What is the universe? The earth, the moon, the sun, the stars and the planets are called the universe. Some of the stars in the universe are so far from the earth that we can see them only with the help of binoculars.
Can't be seen Now the question arises, how do we know that they are really there? Scientists have taken pictures of them with the help of binoculars and big, cameras. They think that there are such stars far away from them. Which have not yet been discovered.
When was the universe created? Most scientists believe that this universe has always existed and will always remain so. That is, it has no beginning and no end. (Continued) However, the stars and planets were not always like that. Each of them must have originated in some form or another, and since then their shape has changed considerably.
As the stars get older, the heat inside them decreases and so does their The light fades. At last one day they go out and perish. But their place is not empty. Another star is born in this place. This has been happening for millions of years. How did the earth get round? When you look out the window, you see houses, alleys, trees and fields. Tall and mountains are also visible.
Apart from these you see thousands of other things but not a single one of them shows that the earth is round. But the fact is that the earth is round and it is like a big ball. You can't see its sphere because you're so close to it. They also give you evidence of the earth being round. Millions of years have passed since the creation of the earth. In the beginning it was a mucus-like pile of different substances.
This pile started revolving around it due to the gravity of the sun. During this period many more substances came and joined in this pile. You are doing tapas. Gravity pulls everything towards the center of this pile of matter. When different objects are pulled towards the same center at the same time, they come together in the form of a ball. The same thing happened with the earth and so on. Rounded After a while, the earth's surface hardened.
Sangtra peel has pits and bumps. There are also pits and ridges on the surface of the earth which we call mountains and valleys. Why does the earth revolve around the sun? You may have seen the ball in which the string is tied and you may have played with it in childhood. Trying but Dori won't let him run.
As long as you keep spinning the rope, the ball keeps spinning in the air around you. The earth also revolves around itself like a ball and with the sun. Now you will ask where is the string that binds the earth which is now that there is no string from the earth to the sun. But there is one thing that we do not see, but it pulls the earth towards the sun and does not allow it to run around. This thing feeds the gravity of the sun. The sun pulls the earth towards it. But the earth tries to run away from it like a ball. This is called the Earth's orbit.
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