Covid19 Omicron Updates 5 Feb: At 1,25,952, India sees slight dip and death tally hovers at 1,000 at daily cases

Coved 19 India Live News, various new cases of Omekron in India, Corona virus vaccine statistics and registration latest update live, 5 February Live News: India's third wave led by Omekron is seeing slight improvement in some pockets, Narendra The Modi government recently said. In terms of daily cowardice cases, yes, the situation has slightly improved. Until 10 days ago, states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra were witnessing massive increase in Corona virus. But official figures show that the trend has improved significantly. However, Mizoram and Kerala are still in the red zone.

But the biggest aspect of the Omicron third wave in India is the quiet increase in the daily cowardly deaths in the country. On Friday, India marked a critical record of more than 500,000 corona virus deaths worldwide. The United States and Brazil are the only two other countries to have seen such a staggering number of deaths.

Experts say the official death knell is just one tip of the avalanche, and that millions of people have died without a trace in national records. There has been a significant increase in daily deaths since January 20 last month. It should also be noted that the factor of backlog deaths also needs to be taken into account. More than 300 deaths have been reported in Kerala due to deadly inflation. But other than that, the overall death toll is definitely higher, with nearly 1,000 deaths being seen on a daily basis in the last 10 days.
