After four years as a partner, actor and filmmaker Farhan Intikhab and host Shaibani Dandikar tied the knot on February 21. Farhan's father Akhtar while confirming the news of their marriage said, "Javed is getting married there.
Javed told e-Times that the wedding preparations are being planned, and invitations are yet to be sent to them. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time. Javed further said that no one in the family really likes Shaibani, adding that there is a very good relationship between Farhan and him.
Farhan Akhtar and Shaibani Dandikar started updating socially in 2018 and see each other's pictures on social media. Recently, on the occasion of Farhan's year, Sheibani shared a note for him on Instagram, in which it was written, "My Fu, what is your best year so far?" I always love you Happy New Year faroutakhtar.
In August, the year of Shaibani, he tattooed Farhan's name on his neck. He shared a picture of her on his social media handles.
Farhan Akhtar, who was last seen in the stormy sight of Rakesh Om Prakash Mehra, soon went back out with Ji Zara. The film stars Yanka Choura, Katina Kaif and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles.
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